Finance 2022/2023

Here are the financial statements, audit, and transparency documents for the year 2022-23.

Local electors have the right to inspect the Council’s unaudited accounting records for the preceding financial year during a 30 working day period (which must include the first 10 working days in July). The period for the inspection of public rights for the financial year 2022-23 will be Monday 5th June – Friday 14th July 2023 inclusive (see notice below for more information).

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022-23

Notice for Exercise of Public Rights 2022-23

Agreed Budget 2022-23

AGAR Annual Internal Audit Report 2022-23

AGAR Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2022-23

AGAR Section 2 Accounting Statements 2022-23

AGAR Section 3 External Audit Report 2022-23 (completed)

Explanation of Variances and High Reserves 2022-23

Detailed breakdown of Box 6 All Other Payments 2022-23

Year-end Bank Reconciliation 2022-23

Asset Register 2022-23

Gifts and Hospitality Register 2022-23

Payments over £100 2022-23

Grants issued and received 2022-23

Councillor Representatives List

Parish Council contracts

The Parish Council has the following contracts in place:

  • Shropshire Council, Countryside management services for The Cliffe. Start date: 1st April 2022. End/review date: 31st March 2025. 
  • Highline Electrical Ltd, Streetlight maintenance. Start date: 1st Sept 2020. End/review date: 30th Aug 2023.