Report Speeding Commercial Vehicles

What do we want?

Our Safer Roads Group would like photographic evidence of commercial vehicles that fail to comply with the speed limits in the village.

Please take a photo that clearly shows the vehicle and the VAS (vehicle activated sign) displaying either the vehicle speed or the warning message.

We need to know the name of the company operating the commercial vehicle, the date and time of the speeding incident, and the registration number of the vehicle.

How do I submit a report

In order to submit your speeding vehicle report you must register for a user account on this website. Choose the Login option from the menu and then choose Register. Create an account, wait for it to be approved and then you can log in.

Then come back to this page and you will see a form asking you for the details and for your photo.

What will we do about it?

The Safer Roads Group will write to the commercial organisation giving them the registration number of the vehicle and the details of the speeding incident. Based on past experience we expect this to make a difference, perhaps a warning to the driver or even an instruction not to use the road through our village.

We will NOT share your personal details with the commercial organisation nor with anyone else without your permission.

Submit your report

Use the form below – if you can’t see a form please follow the guidance in ‘How do I submit a report’ above.

This contact form is available only for logged in users.