Beacon of Light

Beacon of Light

Ruyton XI Towns will be commemorating the Centenary of the end of the First World War by lighting a beacon as part of  a nationwide day of events. The huge 5 metre tall beacon will be lit at 7:00pm on Sunday 11th November after The Last Post which will be sounded by a pupil from Packwood School. Our local bell-ringers will ring out the peace at St John the Baptist Church and our town crier will join his voice with others throughout the world in an international Cry for Peace. At around 7:10 Wendy Lowdon will recite a World War One poem, and then a ‘Tribute to the Millions’ will be read by our vicar Lucinda. This will be followed by reading the names of the fallen and then a medley of songs.

The event is taking place at Rock House, SY4 1LR which is directly above the war memorial. Please note the restrictions/guidelines:

  • There is NO VEHICULAR ACCESS – parking at Rock House is for blue badge holders only – everyone else is encouraged to park at St John’s Primary School.
  • Assemble in the field at Rock House by 6:45pm
  • Please bring torches – it is dark on the approach to the driveway to Rock House
  • School children from St John’s School are advised to wear high visibility jackets – the school have some that can be borrowed for the weekend

The event is due to finish at 7:40 and then the Talbot Inn are providing a Hot Pot Supper but you must pre-book with them if you are intending to go.

For full details of the event you can download the programme here