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Special thank you to Cliffe Crew volunteers

Special thank you to Cliffe Crew volunteers

Over the weekend of 29th and 30th August, roughly 20 volunteers from the “Cliffe Crew” tackled the bracken on the Cliffe (whilst adhering to social distancing and hygiene measures). They were assisted in their endeavours by two horses from “Carnog Working Horses” who used a horse-drawn harrow to strip and roll the bracken litter in a low-impact way, without resorting to chemicals or burning.

A black and white working horse rolling the bracken on the Cliffe
One of the working horses taking a short break

As bracken is an invasive species, the aim is to keep it in check and give other plant species like heather the chance to thrive on the lowland heath site. This activity was agreed and funded by Shropshire Council’s Outdoor Partnerships Team who manage the Cliffe site on behalf of the Parish Council.

Thank you very much to everyone on the Cliffe Crew who give up their free time to help us care for this special space. The group meet on the second Sunday of every month to carry out various maintenance activities. If you would like to help then please contact us using the contact form on our website.