Shropshire Local Plan Review consultation open

Shropshire Local Plan Review consultation open

On 3rd August 2020 Shropshire Council formally opened its consultation on the pre-submission draft Local Plan. This consultation is open to everyone, and completed comment forms (both parts A and B) must be submitted to by 5 pm on 30th September. Full details on how to respond can be found here.

You can find all the background information on Shropshire Council’s Get Involved webpage. The information is also available to view by appointment at Shirehall, as well as at Oswestry, Shrewsbury, and other county Libraries (also appointment only). Information specifically relating to Ruyton XI Towns Parish can be found by searching for the word “Ruyton” in the pre-submission draft Local Plan, and in the Policies map Oswestry Place Plan area. There are also Site assessments for the Oswestry Place Plan area which show how Shropshire Council has assessed each potential development site in Ruyton XI Towns parish.

The draft Local Plan identifies a draft vision and draft framework for the future development of Shropshire to 2038, addressing such issues as the needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the local economy, community facilities and infrastructure; and seeks to safeguard the environment, enable adaptation to climate change and helps to secure high-quality and accessible design.

The Parish Council will be considering the draft Local Plan Review at the next Parish Council meeting (provisionally scheduled for 1st September), at which point it will also agree an official response to the consultation. You are welcome to share your views with us prior to the September Parish Council meeting and we will take this into consideration at the next meeting, however we do encourage you to respond directly to the consultation as well.