Road Works B4397

Current Status

9/2 08:00 Waiting for a response from Keir to request for summary of the work done and to let us know what plans they have to complete the pothole repairs beyond the point where the team finished yesterday.

4/2 16:00 The road is fully open.

The Parish Council have just received the following message from Keir


Confirmation from Shropshire Council that we are allowed to continue and complete the work on Monday. We have not got approval to work tomorrow due to BT already having the roadspace booked.


So the road will be fully open until Monday at 9:30 and will then be closed until 4pm.

The team have got as far as the speed sign on Brownhill and will obviously continue from there working their way down Church Bank and along Church Street

4/2 12:30 Buses were being diverted this morning but are now back on the normal route.
4/2 12:30 Message from the Keir supervisor:

“The road will be closed in both directions in the more narrow parts as the team will struggle to maintain the 1m safety zone however this would only mean that any traffic requiring to travel through site will be asked politely to wait a few minutes to allow the team to move so there is safe access for the public. After discussions with the operatives this morning there are sections today which are on the centreline so there may be slight delays to traffic that require access.

As the consultations stated access will be maintained for buses although after speaking to the operatives on site to find out if buses were being sent on the diversion and they advised that no buses approached the site, the team are aware and prepared to allow buses through the site.”

4/2 9am Apparently Brownhill is now closed. We are still waiting confirmation that essential traffic including buses will be allowed through
3/2 An update from ‘Keir’

“Apologies for the confusion. We were unable to start yesterday as there was a conflict between works there was an urgent Severn Trent closure in Grimpo which was using Ruyton as a diversion route.

The work is planned to go ahead today and tomorrow however there is BT works planned on Church Street Friday that is restricting our work to two days. I have asked permitting whether an extension would be possible Friday if necessary.

The team are commencing work this morningstarting at the bridge.

I hope this clarifies matters.”

3/2 The road will be closed today and tomorrow and we now think that it will be closed on Friday as well, same times as before. Communication from Shropshire Council and Keir is still patchy and poor. We are waiting for an explanation as to why the road works did not start on Tuesday.

2/2 BREAKING NEWS – Our Parish Clerk has had notification by email that the planned roadworks have been cancelled at the last minute. There has been no explanation as to why or when they will start. Lydia has emailed Shropshire Council and Keir to find out what is going on.

Just waiting now for these answers.


29/1 16:00 Responses received from Keir – questions and answers as follows:

  1. Who is responsible for putting up road works/diversion signs. Will that be Keir or Shropshire Council?
    Answer: Kier- Amberon
  2. Where are those signs going? Will they also go in side roads and if so whereabouts?
    Answer: Please see attached
  3. The biggest question from the wider community was whether you would be [relaying] the road surface or fixing potholes. I can see from your response now that Keir will only be fixing potholes. Will Keir only fix the potholes that are on your plan or will you fix others potholes/road defects that you find?
    Answer: We will be tex patching the defects and naturally this covers a wider area than the pothole itself, we will be undertaking any additional defects within reason we will not be leaving dangerous defects.
  4. Will the whole road be closed from Shotatton to Baschurch or will it just be sections at a time?
    Answer: The road will be closed to the majority of traffic from Shotatton to Baschurch however access will be maintained.
  5. Will the whole width of the road be closed or just a lane at a time?0
    Answer: Where possible we will keep to one lane closed at a time however there will be sections where both lanes need closing due to the
  6. Will traffic lights be deployed?
    Answer: No we will have 4 gatemen on the closure 1 at Shothatton Crossroads, 1 at the Baschurch side of the closure and then we will have 2 men either side of the team working, this will enable traffic is managed sufficiently through the site without causing delays and a safe site for the crew working.
  7. Will traffic actively be stopped from using any part of the road?
    Answer: Access only will be maintained however there may be times where traffic will have to wait a couple of minutes if the crew are close or on the centre line.
  8. If so what exceptions will there be? The original notification we received stated that HGVs, buses, local businesses and emergency vehicles would be allowed through. What about carers, people going to work, other residents going to and from home?
    Answer: As stated access will be given to HGV, buses and emergency vehicles and local businesses. Traffic will be encouraged to follow the diversion to maximise the gangs productivity however the gatemen will try and accommodate peoples journeys as best as they can.
  9. What will the working hours be?
    Answer: 0930-1600
  10. Will you be on site personally?
    Answer: Not for the duration of the works
  11. Can we have a phone number for reporting any issues please?
    Not answered
  12. Will you be able to update us on a daily basis please so we know what is going on and whereabouts the day’s work will take place?
    Answer: I will send an update via email each evening
  13. Who else has been informed of the work? (e.g. Baschurch Parish Council)
    Answer: I am unsure on this as this is the clients responsibility (Note: Kier refer to Shropshire Council as the client)

Previous Updates

29/1 12:30 Road closure times are 09:30-16:00. Keir will NOT be putting up and signs giving advance warning of the road closures.

Although questions have not been answered yet it is quite clear that Keir will only be fixing potholes. They will NOT be relaying the road surface.

29/1 07:30 Waiting for response from Keir. Asked for confirmation of dates and whether they would be putting up any signs before the work starts to warn road users in advance.

28/1 We now have a point of contact at Keir, the Shropshire Council contractor who are responsible for this work. In their response to our Parish Clerk they said ‘Please see for your reference, a map of carriageway pothole defects which we’re going to repair next week’.

So it is clear that the work is to repair potholes only, not to do any road resurfacing.

The following questions have been sent to Keir by the Parish Council. We are currently waiting for answers – this page will be updated when we have those answers

  1. Who is responsible for putting up road works/diversion signs. Will that be Keir or Shropshire Council?
  2. Where are those signs going? Will they also go in side roads and if so whereabouts?
  3. The biggest question from the wider community was whether you would be relaying the road surface or fixing potholes. I can see from your response now that Keir will only be fixing potholes. Will Keir only fix the potholes that are on your plan or will you fix others potholes/road defects that you find?
  4. Will the whole road be closed from Shotatton to Baschurch or will it just be sections at a time?
  5. Will the whole width of the road be closed or just a lane at a time?
  6. Will traffic lights be deployed?
  7. Will traffic actively be stopped from using any part of the road? If so what exceptions will there be? The original notification we received stated that HGVs, buses, local businesses and emergency vehicles would be allowed through. What about carers, people going to work, other residents going to and from home?
  8. What will the working hours be?
  9. Will you be on site personally?
  10. Can we have a phone number for reporting any issues please?
  11. Will you be able to update us on a daily basis please so we know what is going on and whereabouts the day’s work will take place?
  12. Who else has been informed of the work? (e.g. Baschurch Parish Council)